Experts in air filtration

Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters

Filter Designs has a long and proven record of supplying hot gas ceramic filters for a variety of applications which involve high temperatures (250 – 1000°C). Some example of industries where we have applied this technology includes: Soil Reclamation Clinical Incineration Pharmaceutical Waste Animal Rendering Incineration Straw Burning Wood Burning Biomass Wood Fired Boilers Coal […]

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Hot Gas Filters

hot gas filtes

We have completed many applications involving high temperature flue gases (150°C to 500°C) using our hot gas filters, which utilise bag, ceramic and cartridge filters. These include systems for: Clinical waste incineration (bag and ceramic) Coal gasification (ceramic) Secondary aluminium smelting (bag) Pharmaceutical waste (ceramic and bag) Precious metal production (ceramic and cartridge) Tallow power […]

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High Temperature Filter Bags

high temperature filter bags

Filter Designs has for many years produced high temperature bag filters for filtering high temperature gas from a variety of applications. Some of these include: Secondary Aluminium Smelting. Glass production. Clinical waste incineration. Chemical waste incineration. Gasification. Pyrolysis. Coal fired boilers. Tallow power generation. Syngas Filtration These filters normally have tubular bags varying in length […]

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Our recent Projects

We were contracted to provide 2 small Ceramic filters suitable for a small volume but with a design maximum temperature of 600°C. In addition the filters will be handling a syngas which cannot be mixed with oxygen so an alternative to compressed air would need to be used for the ‘Cleanpulse’ cleaning of the 25 Ceramic element in each of these CPC78 filters. In addition dosing of small amounts of a re-agent is required so the client also opted for a ‘Cleandose’ 25kg bag skid. Find out more about Project CAD below.

Project SRCL HH - GSA (Gas Suspension Absorber) Reactor Tower

Project BCI - Bag Filter, Gas Suspension Absorber, Reagent Dosing for a Challenging Carbon Process

Filter Designs Ltd. 2020 - Website by 1PCS