Go Kart Champions (again)!

Champions again in our fourth year with Singleton Birch.

Many thanks to Singleton Birch for inviting us once again to compete with several other companies teams in a 3 hour endurance race. Stewart Callis posted the fastest lap time of 32 people on the day 41 seconds, with Simon Jones in our team posting the second fastest at early 42 seconds. Darren Jones lapped most teams during his 45 minute stint and Simon Callis turned in a consistent performance to help the team to victory!

This follows three previous years of 3rd, 1st and 2nd positions where up to 22 teams were present. Well done team FDL!

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T: 01858 419 104

E: [email protected]

Our recent Projects

We were contracted to provide 2 small Ceramic filters suitable for a small volume but with a design maximum temperature of 600°C. In addition the filters will be handling a syngas which cannot be mixed with oxygen so an alternative to compressed air would need to be used for the ‘Cleanpulse’ cleaning of the 25 Ceramic element in each of these CPC78 filters. In addition dosing of small amounts of a re-agent is required so the client also opted for a ‘Cleandose’ 25kg bag skid. Find out more about Project CAD below.

Project EE - CleanNOx SNCR System

Project JP2 - Complete Flue Gas Treatment System for Intumescent Paint Furnaces (Phase 2)

Filter Designs Ltd. 2020 - Website by 1PCS