Hot Gas Filtration

We design, supply and install
all flue gas treatments

Mercury and heavy metals
Volatile organic compound
Sulphuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Oxides of Nitrogen

Hot Gas Filtration

Filter Design's systems usually involve the supply and installation of a flue gas treatment plant which is based around a bag filter system to remove particulate from the air streams.

As well as this function the system is often designed to treat the flue gas to ensure emissions are meeting environmental emission standards.

Ceramic Filter Bag Filter Cartridge Filter

Hot Gas Filtration case studies

Ceramic Filter Projects

Project AS - Two CleanPulse Ceramic Filters for Export to Singapore

Project HQUK - A Duplicate Environmental Air Filtration Filter adding to one in service for 20 years!

Project CAD - a pilot plant within a University

Project TC3 - Bespoke glass product

Bag Filter Projects

Project MM - The Gruesome Tale of the Frankenfilter. Large CleanPulse Filter on Aluminium Furnace.

Project UK5 - CleanPulse Bag Filter with Sodium Bicarbonate Sorbent Injection System for Flue Gas Treatment

Project DH - CleanPulse Filter, DeSOX, DeNOx on a 3mW Wood Waste Boiler

Project WA - Hot Gas Filter for Aluminium Furnace, Sodium Bicarbonate Injection via Bulk Bag and Spark Detection System

Project LA - Cast shop flue gas treatment

Project IB USA - CleanPulse Bag Filter under Positive Pressure with Acid Gas Neutralisation

Project VELG - Hot gas bag filtration system for bio-energy malt whisky distillery

Project TH - Municipal Waste Incineration Bag Filter with Sodium Bicarbonate and Activated Carbon Injection

Project EE - Water Quench Tower, CleanPulse Filter, Reagent Dosing and for Tyre Pyrolysis Plant in Poland

Project AQF - CleanPulse Bag Filter for Tallow Engines

Project FS - Hot Gas Filter serving a Glass Furnace with Air Dilution and Drop Out Box for Czech Republic

Project BF - CleanPulse bag filters, twin fans, sodium bicarbonate dosing and waste ash silos

Project THPL - Urea Prill Skid for DeNOx. Sodium Bicarbonate Dosing for DeSOx. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Combustion Air System.

Project PB - Large CleanPulse Bag Filter with Sodium Bicarbonate Silo, Wet Ash De-duster, CEMS and Chimney

Project JP - Complete FGT System for Intumescent Paint Furnaces.

Project FFH - Dual CleanPulse Bag Filter with Trend BMS Controls for the NHS

Project HE - Complete Flue Gas Treatment Plant including Control System for Clinical Waste Incinerators

Project AR - High Temperature CleanPulse Filter with Offline Cleaning, Online Maintenance and a Spark Detection System

Project NE - Phase 1 - A Complete Waste to Energy FGT Plant from Economiser Outlet to Stack

Project TCL - Quarry kiln system

Project BCI - Bag Filter, Gas Suspension Absorber, Reagent Dosing for a Challenging Carbon Process

Project HR - Dual Flue Gas Treatment Plants with HMI Control System, DeNOX, DeSOx, CEMS

Cartridge Filter Projects

Project JM - High temperature cartridge filter on a precious metals process

Project SF2 - CleanPulse cartridge filter system with spark arrest box and control panel

Our recent Projects

We were contracted to provide 2 small Ceramic filters suitable for a small volume but with a design maximum temperature of 600°C. In addition the filters will be handling a syngas which cannot be mixed with oxygen so an alternative to compressed air would need to be used for the ‘Cleanpulse’ cleaning of the 25 Ceramic element in each of these CPC78 filters. In addition dosing of small amounts of a re-agent is required so the client also opted for a ‘Cleandose’ 25kg bag skid. Find out more about Project CAD below.

Project EE - CleanNOx SNCR System

Project JP2 - Complete Flue Gas Treatment System for Intumescent Paint Furnaces (Phase 2)

Filter Designs Ltd. 2020 - Website by 1PCS